Major General Bernhard BAIR, the Commander of EUFOR welcomed Ms Dušanka MAJKIĆ, Chair of the Joint Committee on Defence and Security of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH to Camp Butmir. This was Ms MAJKIĆ‘s first visit to EUFOR and in an Office Call, COM EUFOR briefed her about EUFOR‘s role as the military component of the overarching European Security and Defence Policy mission in BiH. They discussed a wide range of issues including EUFOR‘s training activities with the Armed Forces of BiH and the weapons monitoring functions of EUFOR. Both parties agreed that the democratic control of the Armed Forces is a very important point.
After the Office Call, Ms MAJKIĆ visited the Regional Coordination Centre South where she was briefed on Liaison Observation Team activities by the Commander of the Southern Region.
On completion of this she was briefed by Austrian personnel on the helicopter capabilities of EUFOR, this included a practical demonstration of Medical Evacuation by helicopter. The Medical Evacuation capability has been used many times in BiH and as recently as last Friday.
Ms MAJKIĆ concluded her visit with a helicopter flight so that she could experience firsthand the demanding flying conditions in BiH.
The General thanked Ms MAJKIĆ for taking the time to visit EUFOR and wished her well in her term as Chair of the Joint Committee on Defence and Security of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.